
I've been having fun with the digital macro setting I just found on my digital camera. It's not the nicest camera, but I'm really impressed with how nicely some of my pictures are coming out. So I thought I'd share some of them. (If you click on them, you can see a larger version with a lot more detail.)

I also thought I'd post a picture my husband took of me in Oregon. They really want to make sure you know the speed limit around there. :o) We took some pictures and meandered across a bridge that spans the harbor while we waited for our tire to get fixed. Even fixing a flat turned out to be a fun time. ;-)

I've been getting a little writing done on my vacation, too. But I have to admit, I'm not in the groove right now. I'm hoping to get into a good writing schedule when the kids start school next week.


  1. Whoa. That sign is frickin' huge. And I think your camera rocks. Those are gorgeous pictures. Here's to better luck with writing!

  2. Cool pics Jenn! And your blog looks fantastic! When did you change it?

  3. Awesome detail. Those would be fun to paint. I'm seriously coveting your camera.


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