WiP Wednesday

It's time for another WiP-it Wednesday! I have been majorly absent from the blogosphere for quite a while, so it would be nice to be able to say, "I finished my novel!" or "I finished three novels!!!" Unfortunately, all I can say is that I haven't been a whole lot better at writing than I have been at blogging this past year or so.

Fortunately, I can also say that that's all changing now. My youngest is in preschool 3 days a week, which gives me roughly 6 hours a week of Freedom, Sweet Freedom! There are a lot of things I could do with that time, but I'm devoting it to writing. No doctor's appointments. No chatting with friends. No shopping. No reading. No blogging. In fact, I'm even flipping the little WiFi switch on my laptop OFF during my writing time so I won't be interrupted with the little boxes that pop up in the corner of my screen letting me know I have a new email that I just have to read right this very second.

I also joined with Ali and some other bloggers out there who are tracking their writing time this week. (Monday the 27th through Friday the 1st) It'll be interesting to see what comes of it. For myself, I'm hoping to just get a little motivational kick in the pants. So far, I have 165 minutes. Not too bad, right? Right.

Below are links for everyone who's participating in the blogfest. Check 'em out. Cheer 'em on. Keep track of your own writing time and let me know how you're doing, too.


  1. Hope you get a lot done during your alone time and thanks for joining up. I hope it helps.

  2. Woot! Go Jenn Go!

    I was so impressed with what you said tonight. Can't remember the exact words, but it was a HUGE moment for you, I thought! Jenn's growing up! I really feel that THIS is your time. You're going to finish your book, then finish Free Agents and you're gonna be ROCKIN the writing world. You are awesome. Your writing is awesome.

    Go Jenn Go!

  3. Thanks Patti! I think it really did help. I'll need to keep track of my time more often, rather than just always looking at the minutes.

    Ali, you're too funny. Yes, I'm growing up. Finally. Maybe. I'd say I'm still about, oh, mid-teenage-level maturity at this point. ;o) Thanks for your overflowing amounts of encouragement. You always make my day. <3


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