Fantastic Friday News

I'm going to indulge in a little "good news minute," the idea of which came from my fabulous friend Nichole. (Is the alliteration getting to you yet? 'Cuz it's getting to me.) :o)

So, as I cast my mind about for some good news, the first thing that came to mind happened a couple weeks ago at the League of Utah Writers banquet. One of my submissions to the contest came away with an Honorable Mention.

(Interrupting this message to inform you of how exciting it is to hear your name called and to have your whole table burst into raucous applause despite James Dashner's stern warnings to hold our applause to the end. It's awesome.)

The win came for my picture book manuscript, "Annie is Such a Copycat." This is the one I already felt the best about, and having it be honorable enough to be mentioned conformed to me what I've known for a long time - I need to start submitting something, and this is my best shot at being published at the moment.

So guess what I'm going to start thinking about maybe starting to try to possibly do? Starting . . . soon . . . ish.


  1. Congrats!

    And good luck with the submission war. I've yet to enter that battlefield. I'm sure you'll do great and get a deal super quick.

  2. So glad you got honorably mentioned! Someone once told me that the best way to start garnering confidence is to submit. Kind of scary but I'm so glad to see it paying off for you!

  3. Congratulations! That's awesome. I've sort of been a lurker until now...:) Good luck submitting!!

  4. Thanks Stephanie! Good luck to you, too - your day on the front lines will come soon enough, I'm sure.

    Laura, I think you're totally right about that. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

    Chantele, thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the well wishes. I'm sure I'll need all of those that I can get.


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