
It's that time again! WriMo's (WriMoose, as we are sometimes called in the plural) are gearing up to write 50,000 words in 30 days, and I've committed to doing it. Again. Because it's just so darn fun! (Go here to learn more about National Novel Writing Month)

 Up through the end of October, I'll still be writing as it comes to me, but for most of my writing time I'm planning to do some intense character sketches, work on getting to know my world, and building it.

On top of all that, I have a book in my possession that has been recommended multiple times, most recently by my friend, Ali, called Save the Cat! I'll be reading that and potentially using it to plot the novel ahead of time.

Wish me Luck! And good luck to all of you who are embarking on this crazy, wonderful journey, too!

* updated to say: if you want to become my friend on the NaNo site, my username is jennylou *


  1. Ooh! Nano! Have a great time, Jenn and I'm rooting for you!

  2. I am hoping to do Nano...I signed up. Now let's see i I can find an idea!

  3. Dude, I so need to get Save the Cat. Still.

    And NaNo? Um...maybe? But probably not. Good luck to you though! I know you can do it!

  4. Thanks Laura!

    Good luck, Christine! Oh, and when it comes to NaNo, ideas are for wimps. ;o) You'll do great - just write like crazy and don't stop to revise. :-D

    Elana, I'll forgive you if you don't join me for NaNo, but honestly? You could write 50,000 words in a month with one hand tied behind your back. :o) Thanks for the vote of confidence.


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