Reporting In

Right after talking up my schedule, I missed posting this morning. But it wasn't for lack of trying, I promise! I guess I just don't know how to do this whole scheduling a blog to post in the future thing. So, we'll see how it goes for the blog post I have scheduled to go live on Wednesday morning.

On to the point of my post . . . I did great for the beginning half of the week, not so stellar for the second half. I ended up writing for 215 minutes, which works out to be 3.58 hours. I had good reasons for missing some of my time, but reasons = excuses too often. Still, I'm glad I did what I did, and I'm hoping to do even better this week.

Now go check out my friends' blogs below to see how their weeks went. And be sure to drop me a comment and tell me how YOUR writing's going.


  1. I found the blogfest really helpful. Keeping track made me realise I was doing more than I realised. Yay.

  2. Good luck with your writing and blogging schedule! I never have much success with sticking to a schedule.

    Happy writing!

  3. Lynda, I'm glad it worked out that way for you. I think we're usually doing more than we give ourselves credit for.

    Jamie, thanks! I think some people are born with the ability to schedule and some of us, well, aren't. :o)


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